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Call for Papers

Want to Present in Lisbon - Deadline 30 March 2024

Coin & Mint News

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FNMT-RCM is responsible for the production of key documents in a citizen’s life to guarantee his identity and acknowledge his skills and rights. Indeed, one of the institution’s’sacteristic activities is the production of documents protected against forgery and manipulation, made in a secure environment and endowed with a solid guarantee and top-drawer quality.

The processes used in the production of these documents draw on the very latest technologies and undergo highly stringent quality and security controls.

Given FNMT-RCM’s wide experience in the introduction of identification documents, the institution is in a position to provide advisory and consultancy services for integral identification projects.

Proof of this experience is to be found, for instance, in the national identification systems of four countries adding up to a total population of over 90 million, with key-in-hand projects, including financing with international bodies.

Alongside this activity, FNMT-RCM’s mill in Burgos produces paper of a quality to satisfy the most demanding customers in both the national and international scopes. The quality of our security paper is endorsed by years of experience in production for the institution’s standard items, such as banknotes and identification documents, and also by its long tradition as an exporter to banknote printers all over the world. Moreover, its experience and technological level extend to its role as producer not only of euro paper producer for various European Union countries but also of a wide range of banknote and stamp paper for printers the world over.